Please remember to keep your address with the Pension Fund updated if you have moved or if you have a temporary address at different times throughout the year.
To login into the Pension Calculator please visit the website at:
To register, you will need your Social Security Number, your date of birth, and your five digit zip code. Once you enter that information, you will be required to create a unique Account ID and password. To complete your registration, you will need to have access to an email account. Two-factor authentication can be completed using either your email or a cell phone.
With the MyRetirement website, you will have the ability to estimate your pension benefits online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! If you have an account balance in the Retirement Income Plan 1987, you will also have the ability to estimate how that account balance will grow over time at various investment return rates. Additionally, there are useful documents and links to help you better understand your retirement benefits.
How to get Started
- Visit Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Pension Fund website at
- Click “Activate My Account.”
- Enter your Social Security Number (all nine digits without dashes), your Date of Birth, and your five digit home Zip Code.
- Click “Next” on the registration screen.
- In the next step, create an Account ID and Password. Please choose options that you are able to remember so that you may login in the future. You will be prompted for your email address, which is needed to send you a registration confirmation link. Click “Next”.
- You will see an Account Registration page that asks you to check your email to complete the registration process. The email will come from
- Check your email and click on the link in the email. (Note that this email may go to “Junk” or “Quarantine” folders. If the email does not show in your regular inbox, please check these folders.) After clicking the link, a browser window will open confirming that your registration has succeeded. Click “Log In”.
- Enter the Account ID and Password that you created in Step #5.
- Enter your cell phone number and the same email address entered in Step #5. Once entered, the system will offer you two security authorization options.
- You can either (1) choose to have the token sent to you via text message, or (2) choose to have the token sent to you via email, by clicking the appropriate link.
- Enter the numerical token on the screen and click the “Validate!” button. On this screen, you can also choose that the system not require a new token for each login. To apply this, check the box next to that statement before validating your token. This will mean that you will not be prompted for a token on this device in the future. If you login from another device (another computer, laptop, iPad, smartphone, etc.), however, you will need to authorize that device through this process.
- Once you receive your token, you will have 240 seconds to enter the numerical token and click “Validate!” before the token expires.
- Once you have completed the registration process, you can login at any time by visiting and entering your Account ID and Password.
How to Review Your Demographic Information
- Basic demographic information, including Name, Address, Date of Birth, Employment Status, Gender, most recent Employer, and preferred email address, will be displayed on the Pension Benefit Overview screen, which is the first screen you’ll see after logging in.
- To proceed into the site, please click the link under “Access My Pension Benefits”. The link will read Central PA Teamsters-Define Benefit Plan and Retirement Income Plan 1987. Clicking this link will take you to the Plan Benefit Overview screen.
- On this screen, participants can review their vesting status, plan service, and RIP 1987 account information, if applicable.
- Participants can choose to review their projected milestone retirement dates by clicking on the Retirement Information link in the left hand menu.
- Participants can choose to review their beneficiary information by clicking on the Beneficiary Information link in the left hand menu. This screen will also give them the option to access the Fund Office’s Beneficiary Designation form.
How to Project an Estimate of Pension Benefits
- Participants can click on the Estimate Your Benefits link in the left hand menu. Once on that page, you can then click on the Projection link. After reading the information on how the tool works, you will then click “Continue”.
- Participants will be directed to the Estimate Your Benefit: Projection screen. From this page, you are able to choose pre-determined scenarios, such as retirement at your Normal Retirement Date or at an Early Retirement Date. These scenarios will assume you retire at the date listed, along with assuming you work through the day before that retirement date. Additionally, you can choose the radio button “Choose Your Own Termination Date and Retirement Date”, which will allow you to enter a termination and retirement date in the future. There are some restrictions on the dates that can be chosen (you can’t choose a termination date in the past, or a termination date after the retirement date chosen, for example).
- Once you have chosen a retirement scenario to model, you will have the ability to enter a spouse date of birth so that they can model optional payment forms. You will also be able to choose an Investment Return Rate for modeling a projection of their RIP 1987 account balance. This can be chosen by clicking on the drop down and choosing one of the four rates.
- Once a participant clicks the “Calculate” button on this screen, a calculation will run in the background. The results of this calculation will be shown on the screen, with a detailed output of the inputs, assumptions, and Plan data that were used in the calculation. As you scroll down, you will be able to see your projected RIP 1987 account balance, as well as your projected Defined Benefit monthly annuities. It’s important to note that participants will only see information relating to the Plans in which they participate.
- Participants can choose to view these results in a more formal letter by clicking the “View Letter” button at the bottom of the screen. You can even choose to save the calculation to your record for viewing at a later time by clicking on the “Add to My Documents” button, which is next to the “View Letter” button.
Questions? If you have questions about your Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Pension Fund retirement benefits or about using the website, please call the Fund Office at (800) 331 – 0420. Currently Fund Office staff are available to help you Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
Further Action Required? Please note that your benefit is not changing in any way. Use of the MyRetirement site is optional, and there is no action you must take at this time. However, please contact the Fund Office should any of your information on MyRetirement appear inaccurate.