Employer Group Coverage Requirements under USERRA

The Uniformed Services Employment Rights Act (USERRA) prohibits discrimination against persons because of their service in the Armed Forces Reserve, the National Guard, or other uniformed services.

USERRA requires that employees who are called up to active service and who are eligible for their employer’s group health coverage must be allowed to continue their health coverage for themselves, their spouse and their dependent children. Individuals electing continuation of coverage on or after December 10, 2004 can elect coverage for up to 24 months. Prior to December 10, 2004, eligible individuals could elect coverage for up to 18 months.

The Act also requires that employers provide an annual notice of USERRA rights and obligations to employees entering military service. This notice requirement can be met by posting the notice in a location where the employer customarily places notices to employees. The requirement also applies to unions that operate hiring halls.

Please call your employer or the Fund Office if you have questions about your USERRA rights.

Questions? Contact Us!

Please note, If you are looking to apply for benefits please contact the Fund office by telephone.

In order to avoid a delay in responding to your question(s), please do not leave duplicate messages (e.g., via emails, website submissions or voicemails). We will do our best to respond to your message within 24 business hours. Thank you. 

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